"Surrender your weapons so we can slaughter you, and we will not leave a single preacher among you."
If you do not understand Bosnia, you will not understand Gaza. Understand Bosnia first so that you can comprehend Gaza and what is happening there, and so that you will not be surprised.
The genocide waged by the Serbs against the Muslims of Bosnia resulted in:
- 300,000 Muslims martyred.
- 60,000 women and girls raped.
- 1.5 million people displaced.
A CNN anchor, discussing the anniversary of the Bosnian massacres, asked the famous correspondent Christiane Amanpour:
- "Does history repeat itself?"
- Christiane Amanpour commented on Bosnia’s anniversary:
- "It was a medieval war: killing, siege, and starvation of Muslims, and Europe refused to intervene."
- "They said it was a civil war, which was a myth...!"
The Holocaust lasted about four years, during which the Serbs destroyed more than 800 mosques, some dating back to the 16th century. They also burned the historic Sarajevo Library.
When the United Nations intervened, they placed gates at the entrances of Islamic cities such as Goražde, Srebrenica, and Žepa, but these cities remained under siege and fire, and the "protection" meant nothing.
The Serbs placed thousands of Muslims in concentration camps, where they tortured and starved them until they became skeletal figures.
The Guardian newspaper published a full-page map during the Bosnian massacres, showing the locations of rape camps where Muslim women were systematically violated—17 large camps, some inside Serbia itself.
But the most infamous crime was the Siege of Srebrenica.
The international (Crusader) soldiers partied with the Serbs, drank, danced, and some even
bargained with Muslim women over their honor in exchange for food.
The Dutch battalion, which was supposed to protect Srebrenica, conspired with the Serbs and pressured the Muslims to surrender their weapons in exchange for safety...!
The exhausted and desperate Muslims complied.
Once the Serbs were assured of their weakness, they stormed Srebrenica, separated the men from the women, gathered 12,000 males (young boys and men), slaughtered them all, and mutilated their bodies.
Some of the torture methods:
- A Serb would pin a Muslim man down and carve an Orthodox cross into his face while he was still alive. (Reported by Newsweek or Time Magazine.)
- Some victims begged their executioners to kill them quickly because of the unbearable pain.
- A mother would hold onto a Serb’s hand, pleading for her son’s life, only for him to cut off her hand and behead the boy in front of her.
And we must record in shame the actions of the Orthodox elder Boutros Boutros-Ghali, who was then the UN Secretary-General and blatantly sided with his Serbian brothers.
But after 30 years, we have still not learned the lesson...
One more note: The Serbs deliberately targeted scholars, imams, intellectuals, and business leaders, tying them up before slaughtering them and throwing their bodies into the river.
(A message to those who are deceived by Western civilization and its false claims of human rights.)